Media is improving with its center



Media Center is a research and practicing platform established by Marmara University, Faculty of Communication in order to provide faculty students with needed experience for their career. Offering a hands-on training which is a must in the media sector, Marmara Media Center hosts various units related to the field of communication. Moreover, private sector institutions and companies bring their experienced employees together with students, merging the practical knowledge with academic base. Hence technologic, theoric, and practical pool of the center offers a great opportunity to carry youth forward in this age.

The units within Media Center are as follows:

Animation, Shooting and Directing, Editing, Marmara E-Publishing; News Center covers Foreign News, Marmara News Agency, Marmara Internet News, Marmara TV and Television News units, Marmara Radio broadcasting 24-7, Marmara Television Channel supported with a live-broadcast vehicle, Marmara Film Community, Public Relations, Web Design, Social Media and Advertising units.

You can find detailed information on the work of Marmara Media Center units under related titles.


Marmara News Agency

A very active and dynamic unit, Marmara News Agency has been established with the aim of providing students with basic journalism skills. The students at this unit gain basic technical knowledge such as gathering and writing news stories, interview techniques, photographing, which would help them build their first step of journalism. News stories and news articles written by full and part-time working students are being delivered to the website, television channel and newspaper of Marmara Media Center, as well as national news agencies such as AA (Anatolian News Agency) and İHA (İhlas News Agency).


Marmara Internet News

Founded to help students gain skills in internet journalism, Internet News Unit keeps working with the motto ‘fast and true news’ through owned website The students working at this unit follow news from Marmara News Agency, Anatolian News Agency and İhlas News Agency to publish.




Foreign News Unit

The unit follows the world agenda and publish student articles/stories through multiplatforms of Marmara Media Center. The unit has got an agreement with Reuters News Agency, and some other news sources.


Marmara Newspaper

With the aim of true information delivery, Marmara Newspaper is a monthly paper enabling students practice journalism in a broad range. The first edition was released September, 2012 and currently it has reached 11th edition. Students working fort he newspaper try to follow daily national agenda, filtering the most remarkable stories for students around the campus spaces. Putting emphasis on professional ethic as well as technical knowledge, Marmara Newspaper is a platform for training tens of potential journalists every year.


Marmara Television Channel

Marmara Channel is currently broadcasting over web TV platform. The channel staff produce weekly programs covering topics such as culture, arts, education, health as well as daily newscast. The studio within Media Center hosts 230 spectators during live broadcast of programs. Besides, outside broadcast vehicle enables live broadcast at every corner of Marmara University and İstanbul, which lets students get to know how to use studio equipments as well as directing and hosting. The channel’s content has recently been diversified by the agreement with Euronews, while IPTV broadcast is a future step, already in the period of set up.


Shooting and Directing Unit

This unit assists Marmara Channel through broadcast as well as shooting and directing classes at the faculty. Aim of the unit is training up potential directors, director assistants, play out operators, kj operators, sound technicians, cameramen to work both inside and outside, and so on. There are currently 17 camcorders, 3 studio cameras, audio-visual mixer, camera control units, light dimmer, jimmyjib, and prompter at Media Center. The unit is also responsible for live and video broadcast of student-created programs such as club activities hosted by Media Center’s studio.



Editing Unit

The unit has been built up to help with editing audiovisual material of news, programs, short films, and documentaries produced by both Media Center and students of the faculty as a whole. Students at this unit learn using Canopus Edius and Adobe Premiere softwares , and enhance their general knowledge of editing. Students at this unit edit audiovisual material delivered them by the news center on a daily basis, and they are responsible for capturing, editing and archiving such material.


Marmara E-Publishing

E-Publishing unit builds up a reading space through internet. Students of this unit are trying to build up infrastructure for publishing z-Book (enriched book), e-newspaper, and e-magazine. E-Papirüs, published 5th edition in this context, is the first electronic news magazine created within Media Center. There is some additional work on this way, including cooperation with Press Associations in Turkey.


Marmara Radio

 Marmara Radio helps students with turning their theoretical knowledge into practice through a joyful process. Radio programs cover social, cultural, art-themed topics. All programs are made by students and address every segment of society, from 7 to 70. From daily news to sports and entertainment, Marmara Radio broadcasts 24/7.


Marmara Cinema Community (MST)

The unit is a platform for students enabling them create and criticise after providing them with thorough cinema knowledge. Students meet at daily movie screenings in pocket cinema of the faculty. This movie hall is also multipurpose, hosting sessions and seminars organized by the community. Academic activities including cinema seminars, workshops and graduate thesis presentations are arranged in this context. Marmara Cinema Community release a semi-academic movie journal titled “Sinemarmara”, the first electronic movie journal published among Turkish unversities, next editions of which is planned to be printed.


Public Relations Unit

A field of expertise and practicing, public relations unit is a special platform only for students of public relations department. Students at this unit are responsible for preparing newscast, writing reports, arranging and organizing future events, coordinating work of conferences, arranging programs for student training, arranging the order of meetings, celebrations, ceremonies, sponsoring or preparing bugdet proposal, defining the number and qualifications of needed personnel and materials; all of which would be useful in their potential career.

Public Relations Unit within this scope tries to build up the structure to let students gain professional ethics and discipline.


Design Unit

Creative design unit has been established in order to carry out design work such as posters, booklets, banners for meetings, panels, movie screenings, and courses held at Media Center. Merging the theoretical knowledge of design with creative techniques, the unit produces every kind of design work such as logo, business card, letterhead, file, cd cover design, program card, badge, leaflet, vehicle wrapping, magazine page design. Students of this unit also help with the work of Marmara Newspaper, e-Papirüs and Sinemarmara journal.


Social Media Unit

The unit creates Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube accounts to address target group through social media platforms. Every event and activity held at Media Center is shared with followers through these platforms. Social Media Unit also gives support to university organizations and clubs.


Advertising Unit

The unit is responsible for creating advertisements intended for press and audiovisual media. Students of this unit hold responsibility of every kind of creative work related to not only itself, but also the other units. The unit also offers students some opportunities to combine their ethical knowledge on advertising with practice.


Animation Unit

This one is a creative unit bringing up the field of animation to the agenda as a field of practicing, enabling students do creative work using Maya program. The unit aims producing innovative and creative projects. As well as supporting design unit within Media Center, students here create and produce innovative, original projects. They also give support for inner-faculty applications.



Photography Unit

The unit is a platform for photography training in depth with all the needed technical knowledge, enriched by artistic point of view. The unit provides Marmara Newspaper, Sinemarmara, E-Papirüs, İnternet News units with needed photography/visual content. In this scope, this unit has undertaken constructing visual memory for Media Center, continuously creating and updating its archive.