May 5-6, 2025
A Re-questing for Just and Effective Communication Order: Resistance, Decolonization, and Information Ecosystem
In today’s world, where communication tools are rapidly diversifying and becoming more accessible, anyone with literacy skills can use these tools to create content. In this context, undergraduate education in media and communication not only provides academic training but also equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for professional development. However, gaining a strong theoretical and methodological foundation that can be applied to both practical work and academic production is primarily achievable through postgraduate studies.
Based on this understanding, the International Marmara Postgraduate Communication Students Congress-4, organized by the Faculty of Communication of Marmara University, aims to contribute to media and communication studies at the postgraduate level. After a 5-year hiatus, it will be held again on May 5-6, 2025, with the theme " A Re-questing for Just and Effective Communication Order: Resistance, Decolonization, and Information Ecosystem”
The Marmara Postgraduate Communication Students Congress is designed to support postgraduate students in their academic work while helping them develop skills in idea generation, academic writing, self-expression, and presenting academic papers. The congress is open to all postgraduate students.
The first event, initially organized as a symposium in 2014, later took place as a congress in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Fourth-year undergraduate students from the Faculty of Communication at Marmara University, as hosts, are also eligible to apply. Abstracts and full papers must be submitted to
⦁ A more just and efficient communication order
⦁ Relationship between mass media and colonialism
⦁ Resistance and anti-colonial movements
⦁ Decolonization and the Information Ecosystem
⦁ Types of Colonialism, Mass Media and Communication
⦁ A new search for an international media and communication order
⦁ Preventive Journalism and Human Rights Journalism
⦁ War Journalism
⦁ Resistance and Media Literacy
⦁ Media and Communication Ethics
⦁ Colonialism and Cinema
⦁ Decolonization and Cinema
⦁ Colonialism, Genocide and the Media
⦁ The Colonization of Palestine, Genocide and the Media
⦁ Digital Communication and War
⦁ Digital activism and slacktivism
⦁ War Communication and Public Diplomacy
⦁ Colonialism and Advertising
⦁ Colonialism and Public Relations
⦁ War and Information Verification
⦁ Deep Fake, Disinformation, Manipulation, and Perception Management
Participation and Application Requirements:
⦁ All postgraduate students studying a topic in the field of media and communication are eligible to apply.
⦁ The congress is open to all candidates pursuing postgraduate academic studies.
⦁ Participation to the congress is free of charge, and it will be held in a hybrid format (both face-to-face and online).
⦁ Accommodation, travel, and other expenses are the responsibility of the participants.
⦁ Congress e-mail: ⦁
Important Dates
Call for Papers: October 1, 2024
Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Announcement of Accepted Abstracts: February 1, 2025
Submission of Full Papers: March 30, 2025
Announcement of Congress Program: Friday, April 19, 2019
Congress Date: May 5-6, 2025
Writing Guidelines
The abstract should be a maximum of 300 words. The abstract should include the study's purpose, scope, method, and conclusion. At least five keywords should be identified.
Full Paper:
It should be prepared in Microsoft Word and should not exceed 20 pages (including text, graphics, references, and all appendices).
Font: Times New Roman, 12-point size
Page Margins: 2.5 cm from the bottom, top, right, and left.
Title: 14-point size and bold.
Line Spacing: 1.5
Citation and References Format: APA Style
The papers will be evaluated through a double-blind peer review system and will be accepted based on the reviewers' decisions.

The International Marmara Postgraduate Communication Students Congress - 4, titled "A New Quest for More Just and More Efficient Communication Order: Resistance, Decolonization, and the Information Ecosystem* will be held both in face-to-face and online.
Who is responsible for organizing the congress?
Marmara University Faculty of Communication organizes the congress.
How long has the congress been held?
The Marmara Postgraduate Communication Students Congress began as a symposium in 2014 and was held as a national graduate student congress in 2017, 2018, and 2019. The 4th congress in 2025 will be held on an international level.
What are the characteristics of the congress?
The congress is interdisciplinary and open to all academic fields within media and communication studies. Abstracts are evaluated through a blind peer-review process. Full papers of accepted abstracts will be evaluated by two blind peer-reviewers and categorized as accepted, revised, or rejected. Only accepted papers will be announced. The congress is an international scientific meeting exclusively for students to present their research.
What does it mean for the congress to be international?
Participants are accepted from both domestic and international locations. The Scientific Committee includes scholars from higher education institutions worldwide.
Who can participate in the congress?
The congress is open to students enrolled in graduate programs at higher education institutions. It aims to provide young researchers with the opportunity to engage in academic discussions and scientific activities.
I would like to participate in the congress. What should I do?
Please first visit our congress page. Then, read the important notes under the “writing guidelines” section. You will find a sample template there. Prepare your paper following these guidelines to participate.
Is there a fee to participate in the congress?
No, there are no fees required at any stage of the congress.
What is the language of the congress?
Papers in both Turkish and English are accepted for the congress.
I have prepared my paper according to your writing guidelines. How do I submit it?
Email your paper, formatted according to the provided template, to
Will I receive a confirmation after submitting my paper?
Yes, you will receive a notification confirming that we have received your paper, and that the review process has begun. Please ensure you’ve sent it to the correct email address and check your inbox regularly.
I received an email confirmation that my paper has been received. What should I do next? What happens after my submission is confirmed?
Your paper will be registered, categorized, and assigned to a reviewer in the relevant field. Reviewers will assess your paper based on its alignment with the congress’s objectives, writing standards, originality, and academic contribution. You do not need to take any further action during this stage.
How will I be informed about the evaluation outcome?
As per the "important dates" on our congress webpage, only accepted papers will be announced publicly. Authors of papers requiring revision at the abstract or full paper stage will be contacted by email. Please check the 'Important Dates' section for key deadlines and schedule information.
Do I need to provide proof of student status to participate?
Yes. Please attach a student certificate from your university or a link to your institution’s website in your submission. We appreciate your understanding.
After completing my congress registration, how does the process proceed?
Once registration closes, the Organizing and Executive Committees will schedule sessions and publish the congress program, which will be available by April 19, 2025, at the latest.
What details will the congress program include?
The program will provide your presentation’s day, time, session number, session chair, and the names and contact details of session officials. You will also be able to view other participants’ presentation schedules.
Where will the congress presentations take place?
The congress will be held in person and online via Zoom.
Is it necessary to use slides for my presentation?
Slides are optional for your presentation.
What are my responsibilities during the session?
You must be present in the designated room or on the digital platform at the time of your session. If presenting online, ensure you have a quiet environment and the necessary technical setup. The session chair will ask you to turn on your camera during. Your presentation time is limited to 15 minutes, so please adhere to this limit.

Can I attend other sessions as a listener?
Yes, you are encouraged to attend other sessions and participate in discussions. We also invite you to attend talks by expert speakers from various fields, which will be livestreamed on YouTube.
What happens after I successfully present my paper?
Following the congress, the proceedings book will be compiled with all successfully presented papers. The digital proceedings will be available on our website, and you will receive a participation certificate by email.
How many papers can I present at the congress?
Each participant can present up to two papers.
Can papers have multiple authors?
Yes. If there are multiple authors, please indicate the presenting author during registration.